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Save lives – build the future!

The Charity Fund ‘United Ukrainians’ supports the army and provides humanitarian aid. We buy ammunition, equipment, cars, clothes and form humanitarian aid kits for civilians.

Now you can also join in raising funds for the army and providing humanitarian aid to the people who have suffered the most from Russian aggression. This is your contribution to the common victory of Ukraine!


«United Ukrainians» est un fonds caritatif d’assistance globale, opérationnelle, qualifiée et ciblée à l’Ukraine dans la lutte pour un avenir indépendant et libre.

Notre mission est d’unir les Ukrainiens, les partenaires étrangers, les entreprises, les structures étatiques et les particuliers autour d’un seul objectif : notre avenir. Un que nous choisirons et construirons nous-mêmes ! Après tout, l’unité du peuple fait la force de l’État !

Nos valeurs sont avant tout humaines. Talentueux, courageux, ingénieux, courageux et incroyablement fort. Nous sommes Ukrainiens. Chacun de nous doit faire partie d’un seul mécanisme parfaitement coordonné qui fonctionne, aide et restaure constamment. Il choisit la liberté non seulement pour son pays, mais aussi pour tout le monde civilisé. C’est la confiance, la détermination, le courage des idées et, bien sûr, le respect. Après tout, maintenant, plus que jamais, votre prochain, c’est vous-même.


Transferred bulletproof vests


Form kits


Humanitarian boxes



Severion Dangadze

Founder of the United Ukrainians Charitable Foundation

Business expert and public figure with successful experience in managing thousands of employees. Severion was born in Donbass. When Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, he virtually lost all his business in eastern Ukraine and was forced to start from scratch in Kyiv.

With the start of the full-scale war on February 24, 2022, Severion became a volunteer of Territorial Defense Forces in Kyiv and provided his unit with everything necessary – ammunition, clothing, thermal imagers etc.

Now Severion has scaled up its activities and is accumulating aid within the Charity Fund ‘United Ukrainians’:

« I think there is a time to make money, and there is a time when you have to gather everything and try to return to the State what it once gave you. Today it is my life. Today I live via the spirit of this fund ».
